MISSION STATEMENT Greenville Christian School strives to provide an environment that focuses on spiritual development, academic excellence, and athletic integrity in order to empower students to impact their society for Christ.
VISION STATEMENT Greenville Christian School stands as a lighthouse to those seeking a Christ-centered place of excellence with a loving and caring environment where students can launch into adult life equipped with the character and skills to navigate successfully for God’s service.
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Lunch: Hot dog and fries
Spirit Day: The spirit theme for TOMORROW is USA Day – Red, White and Blue.
Student may dress in the theme of the day or wear uniform or jeans (no
rips) and a school or Christian shirt. Make sure all clothing is school
Pep Rally: There will be a Pep Rally tomorrow at 2:00. Students in grades 7-12 will
be dismissed at 2:30 on pep rally days.
Labor Day: There will be no school on Monday, September 4. We will be closed for
Labor Day. Enjoy your long weekend!
Homecoming: Our homecoming game will be September 8. The presentation of the
court will be at half time.
Early Dismissal: School will be dismissed on Friday, September 8 at 11:30 due to
Homecoming festivities. There will be no after school care that day.
Handbook: The handbook signature page is due back. Students who do not have
them turned in will receive detention.
A QR code is attached below.
OTC Meds: I have also attached a permission slip for over the counter medication.
Please sign and return ASAP.